To all dear registrants, who have already booked a ticket during Early Bird Ticket scheme ( Ticket worth NRs 1500 ) if you haven’t yet made the payment, we kindly request you to clear it before February 27th , as the price will default to NRs 2000** afterward.
It is necessary for us to have all our payments in on time to make this event successful.
You can make payments using the following options:
1. Online transfer via eSewa
Send your payment to
2. Bank Transfer (NIBL Online/Offline)
Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
Thamel Branch
A/C No: 01605020042282
3. Cash Payments
After your payment has been confirmed, your name will be listed on the attendees’ page.
If you have any question, please feel free to call WordCamp Nepal organizer Suvash Khadka (9841797599) / Sweta Shrestha (9841398801).
** For those registered from outside of Nepal (due to no online payment method) are facilitated to pay on the event day.