Sakin Shrestha (Community Wrangler)

Sakin Shrestha is a technology entrepreneur and an avid WordPresser from Kathmandu, Nepal. He is the owner of Catch Internet Pvt. Ltd. and co-founder of Acclaim Technology. He is also a co-owner at

Having got his first taste of WordPress in 2007, he was inspired to build a career on it. Ever since, he’s been contributing to the WordPress Core, Theme Review, Community, Accessibility, Polyglots, Themes, Plugins and TV teams. He is also among the founding members of WordPress Nepal and is actively involved in the WordPress community in Nepal and abroad.

Sakin is the lead organizer of WordCamp Kathmandu, Nepal 2016. With his knowledge and experience with WordCamps, he’s excited to make his dream of WordCamp Kathmandu, Nepal a huge success.

You’ll easily recognize Sakin’s friendly smile in the crowd. So, make sure you go and say “Hi”. When you don’t find him working on WordPress, he is mostly busy blogging, biking, taking photographs, traveling or playing his guitar!

WordCamp Kathmandu 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!