Mike Stott

Mike Stott

From Side Project to Successful Product

I’m Mike Stott, Founder of Epic Plugins, Epic Themes and co-founder Zero BS CRM. I develop, support and market WordPress plugins, themes and recently a side project turned successful product – Zero BS CRM.

I’ve used WordPress since 2011 and developed for it as well as being a “Super User”

Further reading:

Kinsta Kingpin Interview: https://kinsta.com/blog/interview-with-mike-stott/
Indie Hackers Interview: https://www.indiehackers.com/businesses/epic-plugins-and-themes

Topic Description: The topic will cover:-

  • Getting Started with your Side Project (e.g. how to choose a name and whether to even bother)
  • Deciding what goes into your ‘MMP”
  • Growing your team and tracking metrics
  • Why we chose WordPress to develop and sell our WordPress product
  • Selling a WordPress Product using WordPress

    Intended Audience:
    Entrepreneurs, Web Agencies, Non technical

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