
Sakar Upadhyaya Khatiwada

Soft skill toppings for spicing up your WordPress professionalism

Sakar is a Web Developer at Proshore Nepal who loves coding and networking. He started using WordPress before 5 years and has been in love with it since then. He has done his Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology from Trichandra Campus affiliated to Tribhuvan University. He is socializing, traveling or trying different cuisines when he is not working.

Topic Description: The topic will include some soft skills that you will be requiring to add up to your hard skills for being more professional in your WordPress career

Intended Audience: Anyone

Mike Stott

From Side Project to Successful Product

I’m Mike Stott, Founder of Epic Plugins, Epic Themes and co-founder Zero BS CRM. I develop, support and market WordPress plugins, themes and recently a side project turned successful product – Zero BS CRM.

I’ve used WordPress since 2011 and developed for it as well as being a “Super User”

Further reading:

Kinsta Kingpin Interview: https://kinsta.com/blog/interview-with-mike-stott/
Indie Hackers Interview: https://www.indiehackers.com/businesses/epic-plugins-and-themes

Topic Description: The topic will cover:-

  • Getting Started with your Side Project (e.g. how to choose a name and whether to even bother)
  • Deciding what goes into your ‘MMP”
  • Growing your team and tracking metrics
  • Why we chose WordPress to develop and sell our WordPress product
  • Selling a WordPress Product using WordPress

    Intended Audience:
    Entrepreneurs, Web Agencies, Non technical

Sujal Karki

My Journey in WordPress

Sujal, an electronics Engineer who loves coding either front-end or backend. Besides coding, he spent his most of the time reading blogs related to new trends and technology. He is currently working as a project coordinator at Last Door Solutions.

Topic Description: This topic covers how technical/non-technical people can build their career in IT related field.

Intended Audience: Anyone who wants to start a career in IT field.

Pratima Sharma

You should blog (Even if you’re killing it on Instagram and Snapchat)

Apart from being a wordsmith and pensive writer, Pratima is also a tech nut- she is a Software Engineer and works at Goreto Software; a software company based in Pokhara. Her inescapable path of self-discovery and creativity led her to WordPress and she has been rocking it so far.

As a woman, the fact that she’s still working in tech is not lost on her and by now, she’s grown used to being the only woman at work. However, she wishes to be an inspiration and fill the pipeline with more talented young women. When she is not working, she is usually reading or writing something. Pratima loves to read and has hopes to write a good book someday.

Topic Description: A pursuit to get all those who haven’t hopped on the blogging bandwagon get started with blogging.

It can be easy to disregard something like blogging as boring and outdated but blogs can be a great way to find a creative outlet and having an active, curated company blog is just as important today as it was 10 years ago. The internet is not just a platform for sharing weird memes and funny pictures. Discover a handful of reasons why you should still blog even if you’re killing it on much newer, hipper social media platforms.

Intended Audience: Everyone

Emanuel Blagonic

I Love You – A Story About Web Accessibility

Emanuel has more than 14 years of experience and more than 500 different projects with worldwide clients on his back. From designing websites to designing touch–screen applications, he worked with small and big clients, startups and global projects. Although primarily a designer, he’s been in love with WordPress for more than 10 years, being one of the biggest promoters in Croatia – writing articles about WordPress that are not only promoting WordPress but open source as well. He helps organize WordCamps and Meetups in Croatia and is part of WordCamp Europe organizing the team.

As one of the pioneers of the web standards movement in Croatia, he is active in the community where he works on building a better understanding of the design process and educates clients as much as possible. Can be found on Twitter as @eblagonic.

Topic Description: Yes. We say I love you all too often, and yes – web *IS* the most transparent platform in the world. But, do we really think of all the users in the world that will access our website? We are not all the same. Every one of us uses the web differently. Some use it on their mobile phones, some on their tablets, some on their desktops and some on their televisions.

When building websites we don’t think about *all* the users out there, aren’t we? And the reason is often – money. We don’t get enough of a budget to think of them. But let’s be honest – we should do more. Is there something we should and can do? Is there a way to create a better website for *all the people out there* and not only the lucky ones?

In this talk, I will explore how people with disabilities use the web and will give you some guidelines that will help you create better user experiences for everyone.

Intended Audience: Everyone web-related (front-end developers and designers mostly, but will be of use to developers too)

Hajime Ogushi

How did the WordPress community grow in Japan?

Hajime Ogushi is a CEO of mgn.inc. He mainly uses WordPress as a job for clients. He has been using it since around 2006.

Topic Description: Currently, about 80% of CMS used in Japan is WordPress.
WordCamp Tokyo has more than 1000 participants.
Why have so many people used WordPress in Japan 2008? There were about 60 participants at the first WordCamp Tokyo.
How did the community grow from there to the present?

I will talk about such contents.

Intended Audience:
ALL WordPress Lovers.

Chandan Goopta

High traffic WordPress Sites Speed and Performance Hacks

CEO @ Growcept. A data hacker. I love tweaking WordPress sites for its performance and speed. Linux enthusiast and part-time funny.

Topic Description: The topic covers how to set-up a WordPress Site which has very high traffic (Millions of visits), tips and tricks on using and setting up various WP plugins, server configurations, and server-side tweaks. This topic will also cover my experience with handling and setting up High Traffic WP sites where I have not only optimized the performance of the site but also enhanced the page load time (less than 2 seconds load time) and more.

Intended Audience: Mid-level to Senior WP Developers and Web admins

Bishal Mishra

What makes design – design?

Obsessed with visuals that captivated his attention since his early childhood days, Bishal’s passion for design has now interlocked with his aspirations. An adventure enthusiast, Bishal is currently working in close-knit with his team at Idealaya and Last Door Solutions, helping businesses achieve their objectives through creative visual solutions. To know more about him, connect with him @bishaller

Topic Description: This particular topic I have chosen will explode what Design really is and how it’s done. The session intends to change the perception of building a product; especially for developers. Also, the importance of design for a developer and a team is the key factor for the session.

Intended Audience: Designers and Developers

Dat Hoang

WordPress Multilingual: Benefits and Considerations

I am a Happiness Engineer at Automattic, focusing on the WordPress.org products. Before joining the company, I worked with the multilingual WordPress every day.

I involve quite a lot in the community in my country and region: organizing local meetups, speaking in WordCamps, and managing the vi.wordpress.org site.

When the laptop is closed, I enjoy traveling and outdoor activities.

Topic Description:  By default, WordPress accepts a single language only. In this topic, I talk about the possibility to have a multilingual WordPress site.I will discuss the following points in detail:

  • Multilingual website – why it is a worthy investment
  •  Considerations for a WordPress multilingual site
  • Available plugin/solution comparison
  • Tips and hints

Intended Audience: Both developers and users want to create websites have more than one language.

Chitra Raj Bhandari

Semantic SEO: Optimizing Web for Crawlers that Understand

CRB has around 6 years of experience as a digital marketer during which he has worked for local and multinational brands and helped them grow. He has worked extensively on optimizing WordPress websites for small, medium and big brands and help them get better conversions at lower costs. Starting in the age when websites search engine crawlers relied on words (syntax) to understand the relevance of page to a certain query string – his skills have evolved and helped many small, medium and large scale websites to leverage their web presence for search engine crawlers that understand the ‘intent’ of a search query.

He is the co-founder of Pulse Digit – a digital marketing agency exclusively dedicated to digital marketing services. It provides consultations and training services to businesses and individuals on a wide range of topics including online branding, reputation management, SEO, SEM, SMO, Affiliate Marketing, among others. Get in touch with him on Twitter @CRB_Guru

Topic Description: Semantic SEO: Optimizing Web for Crawlers that understand SEO is a wide topic and has many facets to cover. But in this topic, I will be focusing on making the site and its content ‘understandable’ to search engine crawlers. At the end of the session, the participants will know:

  • Syntactic Vs Semantic SEO
  • Types of structured data
  • Tools and resources to implementing them
  • Plugins/resources for wordpress

Intended Audience: Developers and digital marketing practitioners interested in building a better & profitable website

Biplab Subedi

Add magic to your workplace

Biplab Subedi loves to contribute WordPress community via volunteering, organizing and speaking at WordCamps. He is a co-founder of one of the leading WordPress based outsourcing companies in Nepal namely Eagle Vision IT. He has also co-founded eVision Themes, a WordPress theme development company.

Biplab is often found indulged in social works, traveling, and dreaming of better Nepal.

Topic Description: Easy yet powerful tips for a better working environment inside an IT company.

Intended Audience: Entrepreneurs, startups

Samia Rai

Vlogging- An Innovative Addition To WordPress Blogging Landscape

Samia is an avid reader and aspiring writer, I love to research, write and blog about things that peak my interest and curiosity. She has contributed to ThemeGrill, Beautiful Themes, and many other websites as a freelancer.

Topic description :

We have heard people talking about blogging a lot. But, it’s high time that we think a step further and start talking about Vlogging.  Thus, this topic covers all the “basics of Vlogging” from its introduction to all the software and equipment required and what steps to follow while creating an effective video blog. Also, it includes important tips to remember to make your vlog stand out.

Intended Audience: All Blogging Enthusiasts


Shishta Pradhan

Scope for Front End Developers in WordPress

I’m an enthusiastic Front End Developer who has been working on WordPress for the past 3 years. I love playing with HTML, CSS, JS and love implementing the graphical design into beautiful code by combining the art of design with the art of programming to make a beautiful website. Currently, I have been working on Code Pixelz Media as a Front End Developer.

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/shishta.pradhan

Topic Description: The main purpose of my topic is to highlight the scope for all the Front End developers in the WordPress community. WordPress is not only for the developers who code but it also provides a huge platform for Front Enders to boost their career in many different aspects.

Intended Audience: Front End Developers, Designers, Developers and anyone who wants to start their career as a Front End Developer in WordPress.

Tikaram Bhandari

Building Secure WordPress Themes and Plugins

Tikaram is a Happiness Engineer, currently working at Catch Themes. He has been working actively in WordPress since a year now. He is passionate about solving tough problems and proposing elegant solutions to the users. When away from the computer, Tikaram enjoys doing yoga, listening to music, and hanging out with his colleagues.

Topic Description: The session will cover Common mistakes and most common attacks on WordPress Sites. It will also cover ways to prevent the common attacks and mistakes to avoid while developing WordPress Themes and plugins.

Intended Audience: WordPress theme and plugin developers, beginners and everyone who loves WordPress

Maneela KC

Vlogging- An Innovative Addition To WordPress Blogging Landscape

Maneela is currently a Seo Copywriter and a video blogger at ThemeGrill Pvt. Ltd and Beautiful themes. She is an IT graduate from Tribhuwan University but is a blogging enthusiast who aspires to become a wordsmith of the digital world. A writer by profession and dreamer by nature, she loves to read, travel, and try new things.

Topic description: We have heard people talking about blogging a lot. But, it’s high time that we think a step further and starts talking about Vlogging.  Thus, this topic covers all the “basics of Vlogging” from its introduction to all the software and equipment required and what steps to follow while creating an effective video blog. Also, it includes important tips to remember to make your vlog stand out.

Intended Audience: All Blogging Enthusiasts

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