Yoav Farhi

Yoav Farhi


Team: Polyglots

Contributor Day Team Lead Type: International

Contributor Day Team Lead Bio:
Yoav Farhi is an Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiønër at Automattic, who works on everything related i18n (that’s internationalization) and l10n (localization) and of course, translation. A core contributor to WordPress for 10 years now, Yoav works hard to make the web a better place.

Learn how translation works in WordPress, and get real hands-on experience in translating a WordPress theme or a plugin – both from the WordPress.org repository and from third-party sources. Additionally, the workshop will introduce the community aspect of translation in WordPress – a great starting point to get involved.

WordCamp Kathmandu is over. Check out the next edition!