Get familiar with Gutenberg in Gutenberg Lab
Gutenberg is the new block-based editor that has been introduced along with the release of ‘WordPress 5.0’. The Gutenberg editor allows us to create media rich posts and build beautiful layouts using blocks. All types of contents inside the blocks can be edited, rearranged and styled easily within a few clicks.
What is Gutenberg Lab? Why should one attend this lab?
Gutenberg lab is the separate lab allocated for Gutenberg workshop where attendees will be building the post layouts using Gutenberg editor. This whole one hour session will be basically focused on content creation using blocks. It also provides overview about how to use the new block based editor.
If you want to get familiarize about the blocks and build your own custom post, page layouts without having to code then this lab is must to attend. Moreover, if you have any doubts regarding Gutenberg editor then you can get it cleared out attending this session.
Who are the suitable attendees for the session?
The attendees who are inquisitive about Gutenberg editor are warmly welcomed to attend this session. However, it is specially targeted to the beginners having basic knowledge about WordPress.
How many attendees can participate in the session?
The session will run basically in two rounds with 20 intended participants for each round.
How to participate?
The attendees who are interested to be the part of the session should register their name at the time of registration. Furthermore, the participants should fulfill certain prerequisites to attend the session. There will be a separate technical team in the happiness bar to review whether the requirements are fulfilled or not.
What are the prerequisites to attend the sessions?
- Attendees must have their own laptop and adapter.
- XAMP/WAMP/MAMP or any local development server should be installed. You can download the XAMPP server from the link below and also get an overview about its installation.
- Attendees should have WordPress installed on their laptop. You can also download the WordPress from the given link below:
Event Schedule
A separate hall has been booked for Gutenberg lab. It will be conducted in two rounds with 20 participants in each round.
Round 1: 10:30am-11:30am
Round 2: 3:30pm-4:30pm
Both the rounds will be led by Anil Pawn who is an experienced web developer and also one of the organizers of WordCamp Kathmandu 2019.
This will be an interesting session, workshop like this needs to be done on events like this.
Well done! Best of luck for the Event Anil.