Mina Tamang

Mina Tamang

Mina is an SEO Analyst with over 6 years of experience in the digital marketing industry. Her passion for SEO helped her specialize in on-page and technical SEO. In addition, her curious and passionate nature honed her skill in content marketing as well.

Mina started her journey with WordPress in 2020 and is now an SEO Analyst at Codewing Solutions. She is excited to be a part of the WordPress community and help others learn about the power of WordPress.

When she is not optimizing websites and improving their search visibility, you can find her indulging in her love for music. Listening to different genres and discovering new artists brings her joy and helps her unwind after a productive day. 
Speaker Type: National

WordPress.org Profile: @minatamang

Session Title:  Mastering Content Planning: My Journey from Beginner to Expert

Session Description:

Content marketing is a long-term strategy that requires patience and consistency. As a professional SEO specialist myself, each content I worked on was a test of my patience and hard work. 

So in this presentation, I will share my own experiences as a newbie content marketer and the things I learned along the way. Furthermore, I will discuss the most common mistakes that new content marketers make and the ways to avoid them.

Intended Audience: This presentation is for new content marketers or anyone who wants to improve their content marketing skills.

Session Type: Long

Presentation Language: English