Rajan Lama

Rajan Lama

Rajan Lama is a Passionate Software Engineer, actively working on WP VIP projects. He has more than 12 years of experience in Web Development Technology ( with PHP, SASS, JS, Typescript and Python ). He has developed many themes and plugins for WordPress, Drupal, Joomla,

Hubspot and Shopify. He loves to research, learn, sharpen the skills and implement it in his projects then contribute to the open source
community. Currently, he is doing research on “Machine Learning and AI” for implementation in WordPress and other web technologies. 

He has been contributing as Theme Developer and Theme Reviewer since 2015 in WordPress.org. 

Currently, he is working as Senior Software Engineer at Fusemachines Pvt. Ltd. 

In free time, he loves to do code reviews, watch movies, read books, swim, and play with his kids.

Team: Pattern 

Contributor Day Team Lead Type: National

WordPress.org Profile: @lamarajan