Ravi Khadka

Ravi Khadka

Hello, everyone! I’m Ravi Khadka, and I’m a WordPress Senior Developer at a really cool place called Code Pixelz Media.
Since 2020, I’ve been part of the Code Pixelz Media superhero team! We work together like a big, happy family, making fantastic websites for all kinds of businesses and people.  I’m passionate about my job and always eager to learn and improve. WordPress is like an endless journey, and I’m on a mission to be the best WordPress Developer ever!  When not coding, I enjoy MotoVlogging, reading, and spending time with loved ones.
But wait, there’s more! I’m also a huge WordPress enthusiast! I started my WordPress journey in 2017, and ever since then, I’ve been actively joining WordCamps and MeetUps, meeting other WordPress fans and learning so much along the way.
So, that’s a little bit about me, Ravi Khadka, the WordPress Senior Developer at Code Pixelz Media.

Team: Photos

Contributor Day Team Lead Type: National

WordPress.org Profile: @ravikhadka