Santosh Kunwar is the Founder of Acme Themes and co-founder of Acme Information Technology. He loves to learn and research new terminology, code, and features of WordPress, and love to try new scopes on WordPress. He developed many themes, plugins and custom Gutenberg Blocks and Templates for WordPress users, developed starter frameworks for developers, reviewed many WordPress dot org themes, done translation, and also contributed WordPress community as a WordCamp and Meetup speaker.
Speaker Type: National
Topic Title: How to create custom Gutenberg Blocks in WordPress?(Workshop)
Topic Description:
Gutenberg is a codename of a new set of website-building tools. Block Editor allow to add Blocks and Gutenberg blocks are layout building units on the Block Editor.
In this workshop, he will teach you to create custom, inner, dynamic, and more. It includes all the development processes.
What you will learn from this Workshop:
- Key Terminologies in developing custom Blocks.
- Create your first custom Block.
- Styles and Scripts on your custom Block.
- Blocks controls and Sidebar Controls.
- Create Inner Blocks
- Create Dynamic Blocks
- How to use Context in Blocks
- Block Transforms example
- Block Depreciated handling
- Block preview
In addition, you can find the topic detailed explanation in the link below:
Starter Development Process Plugin:
(Private and will be public on the workshop day)
Intended Audience: Developers