A big thanks to all our sponsors! See you in 2023 at WordCamp Kathmandu.

Once again, many thanks to all of our generous sponsors of WordCamp Kathmandu 2022. You may know that WordCamps are non-profit and volunteer-based community events. The entire budget of WordCamp comes from global and local sponsors. At this event, we got 30 sponsors, among whom 6 are global community sponsors and 24 are local.

With around 450 attendees, 23 speakers, 10 contribution day team leads, 2 media partners, 18 volunteers, and 18 organizing team members, #WCKTM2022 was a huge success. Among the total sponsors, we had 19 stalls on the event day. Each booth was swarming with attendees. We believe that all of the sponsors got the best attendee experience from the event.

WordCamp Kathmandu 2022 Sponsors Group Photo

Due to the COVID pandemic, everyone is seeking to attend in-person events after 2 years of pandemic delay. Sponsors made this WordCamp very affordable and the most significant event in our community.

Once again, I would like to thank all of the official sponsors for their generosity in supporting WordCamp Kathmandu 2022. Without your incredible contribution, we wouldn’t be able to host this top-level WordPress event. I am proud to be a part of this successful event. Moreover, I am highly grateful to all the sponsors as the sponsor wrangler of the event.

And a big thanks to all our sponsors! See you in 2023 at WordCamp Kathmandu.

Call for Contributor Day Team Leads

Call for Contributors day team leads has now ended. See you next year.

WordCamp Kathmandu 2022 will have a Contributor Day on the 4th of September, 2022 at Alice Receptions, which will consist of attendees contributing back to the WordPress community in many ways.

Contributor Day is for everyone, regardless of your experience level with WordPress. Even someone who knows very little about WordPress can contribute by answering support questions. Attendees break up into different teams and focus on a particular segment of WordPress. All the teams will be led by someone who will help the attendees. And this application is for those who want to lead the table/team.

The following topics are chosen for contribution on this day.


There are generally two different groups on a contributor day: those who have contributed to the core before and those who have not. For new contributors, you will learn how to get involved with the WordPress core development community and start contributing to WordPress core.


This team usually helps in improving the quality of current WordPress docs, including Theme & Plugin documentation.


The Meta team makes WordPress.org, provides support, and builds tools for use by all the contributor groups.


The plugin team keeps up with the latest updates, finds resources, and learns about any issues around Plugin development.


Make WordPress available in all languages by translating WordPress to your native language. The team lead(s) must be GTE, if possible.


This team’s goal is to provide help to WordPress users in the WordPress.org support forum, IRC, or regional support forums.


The theme team is responsible for everything related to themes.


The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments.


Do you want to contribute photos and make them available for everyone? You can help to make the photos directory even bigger.


Create some beautiful patterns and submit them to the WordPress patterns repository. Guide the contributors on how we can make beautiful patterns.

Application Deadline: 15th of August, 2022

Team Lead will organize their contributor team and lead the day of the event. If you have contributed to WordPress before, regardless of the area of contribution, and want to lead the mentioned or any other team then fill the form below:

WordCamp Kathmandu 2022 is over. Check out the next edition!